こんしゅうまつの しゅくだいです。
アメリカのと ちがいますか(different)?
日本のうちについて、インターネットで しらべて (to find out, check)ください。
そして、ブログに ポストしてください。
1)Learn about Japanese houses by
- checking relavant websites
- reading your textbook p176-177
- watching the following video
2)Compare American houses and Japanese ones and find similarities and differences
Think "WHY" (i.e. Typical Japanese houses have at least one rice cooker. "WHY?").
3)Post a blog entry about American houses (rooms) for the Japanese audience. Introduce things in your house/ room, and if possible/ necessary explain why.
4)Use various adjectives, verbs and grammar structures.
You could use both にほんご and えいご if you like. Make sure that you introduce unique features of American houses for them.
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